Dr. Alison Nones

Dr. Alison Nones – practitioner psychiatrist. Her approaches are non-medical drug refusal and hypnotherapy. Also, the object of her professional interest is connectoms concept. Her practical advice is based on neurobiological principles. Alison is conducting therapy for 6,5 years. University of Pennsylvania alumni.

Dr. Alison Nones claims, that “ … therapy is not a psychiatrist couch and Rorschach spots. Therapy is a Dialogue, Science and Neurobiology”


Her latest researches and articles are:

1)“Grounding approach for patients with congenital CNS diseases”,

2)“Inhaling spasms relief with the help of square breathing technique”(2019),

3)“Acquired adult cibophobia. Potential reasons and solutions” (2020),

4)“ Drug addiction as a set of destructive pattern. 20 patterns from canonical inebriate portrait”(2021)

5) “ How to break up addiction circle. Self-assisting techniques for people with any addiction”(2022)


Dr.Alison Nones uses a wide range of techniques from non-medical approaches: “ I use both dialectic approach, art therapy and hypnotherapy. I consider the destination of recovery as a self-assisting and autonomous ability to struggle with triggers again. It does not matter, what we are talking about. From the point of your brain, a bottle, cigarette, lottery ticket, or abusive partner is the same source of endorphins. There is no doctor who can help a person avoid triggers. But it is possible to teach, how to overcome it. Sometimes, right breathing, grounding, and beliefs can be better than good pills”


Also, Dr. Alison is preparing a new project now. Alison and her scientific editor, a neurobiologist, wrote a book about Conectoms. She want to discover, how scientific discourse can help therapist and patients with addictions and phobias treatment. “ Yes, the connectome concept is not discovered completely. But we already have interesting insights from reliable sources. My hypothesis is that we may have a specific sections of our brain that accumulate negative experiences. Nowadays, we do not know how the human brain forgets. Maybe, that is the key. Probably, we should focus on creating new patterns and experiences more. Intuitively, the majority of psychological streams use such an approach. I hope that clarifying some brain mechanisms will help the patient get rid of the stigma and reach recovery”

Currently, Dr. Alison Nones conducts offline sessions in New York. She launched her own practice and already received the annual award of Emil Kraepelin.

