Toxin Rid Review

Many cannabis users turn to weed detox methods to pass urine drug tests with favorable results and also use weed detox to pass a saliva drug test. Toxin Rid is a prominent example of a product that is designed for passing both tests.


Many marijuana users turn to Toxin Rid for THC detox. Toxin Rid is designed to help an individual pass a urine or saliva drug test by removing toxins from the body such as THC metabolites. This product is suitable for light, moderate and heavy smokers alike and is ideal for detoxing your system ahead of a drug test. The product is primarily targeted at moderate to heavy smokers as it is one of the best products on the market to achieve rapid detoxification of the body even for those who may be smoking cannabis several times a day or more. Choosing the right product for your detoxification and in relation to the specific type of drug test you are about to undertake is vitally important not only for maximizing your chances of passing the test but also to minimize the risk of any negative side-effects. Toxin Rid is generally used as part of a 10-day detox course.


Using Toxin Rid to pass a drug test consists of ingesting a range of detox pills, a detox liquid and for optional use, and dietary fiber. The product can be used as a three-day course right through to the more popular 10-day course. A three to the five-day course is recommended for light users of the drug with the 10-day course particularly recommended for heavy users. Toxin Rid is both gluten-free and vegan-friendly. Toxin Rid detoxes the body by using its various ingredients and stages to flush the body of toxins while attempting to maintain a natural balance of minerals and electrolytes both for health purposes and to avoid a suspicious urine sample. The following ingredients are included;


Toxin Rid

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • Specifically designed for people with HEAVY toxin exposure
  • Starts working as fast as one hour
  • Rids your blood, urine, and saliva of unwanted drug toxins
  • 100% money-back guarantee
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Mega Clean + PreCleanse Pills

  • Minimizes your toxin levels in one hour, effective for up to five hours with the maximum effect at three hours
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Pre-rid capsules:

  • Alfalfa Leaf Extract
  • Boron
  • Calcium
  • Chloride (from sea minerals)
  • Iron
  • Kelp
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium

Boron and Alfalfa Leaf Extract are among the most beneficial ingredients. Boron helps to improve absorption while several of these ingredients also include electrolytes such as Sodium and Potassium.

Detoxification Liquid:

  • Boron
  • Chloride
  • Lithium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Sulfate

Dietary Fiber:

  • Psyllium Husk Powder

While optional, Psyllium Husk Powder is a laxative that can play a significant role in detoxing the body. Of course, risks such as diarrhea can result from the use of a laxative.

Toxin Rid Review

How to use Toxin Rid?

  1. Take 3 pre-rid tablets every hour for 5 given hours of the first day. Repeat this for the full ten days of the course.
  2. On the day of your drug test, take ½ of the detox liquid alongside 16 ounces of water.
  3. Refrain from eating or drinking for 2 hours.
  4. Once the 2 hours have passed, take the remaining half of detox liquid with 16 ounces of water once more.
  5.  With just 1 hour to go till your drug test, you have the option of mixing dietary fiber with 16 ounces of water. Take this within 2 minutes and then wait a ¼ of an hour before drinking 16 ounces of water once more. Then you should urinate 2-3 times more and avoid eating or drinking any further before you take the test.

Does Toxin Rid really work? Toxin Rid can work for the vast majority of its users by means of dilution and is one of the most positively rated detoxers based on a range of online sources. Since it does not include creatine, you should get creatine separately and take a dose 2 hours before your test with your 16 ounces of water.  It is vital to ensure that you do not take too much water. Be conscious of how much water you are taking in total (not just as part of the course) on each given day. Too much water or liquid of any kind can lead to serious health problems including water intoxication. Once you take safety precautions, then taking Toxin Rid is one of the more popular products out there for passing a drug test. This product comes with a money-back guarantee. Toxin Rid is a natural product and appears to be one of the safest detoxers you can buy.

Manufacturer, Support & Certificates

Where to buy Toxin Rid? You can purchase Toxin Rid through their official website TestClear. Toxin Rid does not appear to advertise their opening hours but as you can see below there are various ways by which you can contact the company regarding any inquiries you may have. Toxin Rid is also 3rd party certified. It has been lab-tested by this third party for purity and potency. It is also approved by Cannasale analytica and approved for having 100% whole plant coconut oil extraction for its ingredients.

Toxin Rid
DirectionsPO Box 2011
Redmond, WA 98073-2011
Phone+1 1-877-TOXIN-RID

Additional Products

Following the Toxin Rid instructions will likely be enough to pass your drug test but to increase your chances of success, taking an additional creatine supplement could complement your usage of Toxin Rid. You should not mix two detox products directly if you opt to get the creatine from another detox product rather than from pure creatine. If you are taking more than one detox product at a time, it is important that you consider how taking the ingredients of both products could influence your body and to do extensive research before taking two detox products in a given time window. Additional products to consider are the 1 day, 2 days, or 3-day Toxin Rid cleansers if you are low on time.

Pros and Cons

  • Can be used as part of a range of different courses: from three-days to ten days
  • Detoxifies the body of toxins from all drugs including alcohol
  • Works for light, moderate and heavy weed users
  • Very popular
  • Recommended by various sources across the online world
  • Consists of natural ingredients
  • Arguably more effective than other popular products such as SELFCheck
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Has very few negative reviews online
  • Can help you pass different kinds of drug tests
  • Does not contain any fillers
  • Purifies saliva, blood, sweat, and urine
  • Has a money-back guarantee
  • Begins working in an hour after it was consumed
  • Involves consuming large amounts of water. Risks the possibility of water intoxication.
  • Has some potential side-effects including diarrhea
  • Can be costly
  • Not as affordable as products such as Dr. Tobias
  • Not 100% effective

Toxin Rid

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • Specifically designed for people with HEAVY toxin exposure
  • Starts working as fast as one hour
  • Rids your blood, urine, and saliva of unwanted drug toxins
  • 100% money-back guarantee
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Mega Clean + PreCleanse Pills

  • Minimizes your toxin levels in one hour, effective for up to five hours with the maximum effect at three hours
See Deal →


Q: How Long Does It Last?
A: Toxin Rid’s effects will last for as long as you stay clean.

Q: Does Toxin Rid Mask Alcohol?
A: Yes, Toxin Rid is made to detox the body of all drug-related toxins and this includes alcohol.

Q: Can Toxin Rid Mask Opiates?
A: Yes.

Q: Can Toxin Rid Work as a Same-Day Cleanser?
A: Yes, Toxin Rid has serious potential to even work as the same day cleanse by taking the single-day detox course.

Customer Reviews

Positive Reviews:

The positive Toxin Rid reviews shown above are a reflection of the vast majority of reviews available online regarding Toxin Rid. Negative reviews, on the other hand, are far and few between.

Negative Review:

A Toxin Rid review as applicable to the company itself could not be found. One of the few negative reviews shows that even still, this user believes that the product often should work but appear not to in his case. All the same, this product has received very positive feedback online as a whole.

This user got a bad result.  It is imperative to realize that Toxin Rid may not actually get drugs out of your system, which means it can work by dilution only.  In order for it to work by dilution, you need to add a creatine supplement and take just a normal dose of creatine 2 to 5 grams (a teaspoon of powder).


With so many positive reviews, finding a negative toxin rid review was hard to come by and at that, such a review was minimally negative. This product is certainly one of the best detox products available to use ahead of a urinary or saliva-based drug test. Compared to many other detox products, Toxin Rid is relatively expensive however the price appears to be worthwhile considering just how positive the feedback for this product has been both from reliable websites and customer reviews. This may be one of the safer products if you are seeking to pass a drug test for employment, so long as it is legal to do so in your particular state. While other detoxification products such as Cannafield and Cleanford are cheaper, they do not have the same positive feedback strength as Toxin Rid has. Ultimately, Toxin Rid is a safer, natural and popular product that a weed user should consider if trying to pass a drug test.


“Toxin Rid Full Product Review: All You Need to Know.” MarijuanaBreak, MarijuanaBreak, 2020,

“Toxin Rid.” Toxin Rid, Toxin Rid, 2020,
