Drug Abuse
What Happens if You Smoke Marijuana Daily?
Smoking cannabis may be something you enjoy, but cutting it down a bit is always a good idea. There are many long-term side effects of marijuana use you may not know.
Drug Abuse
9 US Cities with the Highest Drug Use
Drug and substance abuse is a relatable subject when it comes to the United States. Drug use statistics in America show that alcohol, cocaine, and opioids
Drug Abuse
Are Kids With Drug Abusing Parents Likely to Become Addicted Too? Data From the Most Drug Infested Cities in the U.S.
This topic is not easy to deal with as people may have contradicting opinions. This post will explain why drug abuse is more common with teens whose family
Drug Abuse
Underage Drug Addiction in the United States
Teenage drug addiction has become a menace in the United States. As kids advance into pre-pubescence and adolescence, teenage substance abuse is one of
Drug Abuse
Long-Term Effects of Drug Abuse
Drug addiction is a disease that affects 21 million people in the United States alone. 90% of these individuals never receive treatment, often experiencing