Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Reviews

Many marijuana frequent users turn to weed detox to pass a urine test and some use weed detox to pass a saliva test. However, a less common drug testing is that of a hair follicle test. The following article comprises an overview of the detox product “Zydot Ultra Clean” designed to help a user get negative test results for a hair shaft drug screen. We will lay out an overview of the product, discuss further details such as information regarding the product manufacturer, pros and cons and also provide an FAQ. The purpose of this article is to give you a broad perspective of this product.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

(Amazon, 2020)


How long does it last? According to Zydot’s website, the product lasts for no more than 24 hours due to the continual production of natural oils from your hair and scalp. While your hair will lose drug residues when washed, some residues will be redeposited by the sweat over time, if there are still drug residues in the bloodstream (Röhrich, Zörntlein, Pötsch, Skopp, & Becker, 2000). Zydot’s Ultra Clean Shampoo is designed to be used specifically on the day of the hair follicle test. This product could be used either by low, moderate or heavy cannabis users although it is more likely to work for light to moderate weed users. It is important that you choose the right product both in terms of passing your test and also to ensure minimizing the risks of any potential side-effects as there is a range of health risks involved with any detox product. This includes the possibility of an allergic reaction. For this reason, in particular, it is important to know what is in the product. We are providing this review of Zydot Ultra Clean as a way for you to make an informed decision about whether or not this is the right product for you. Ultra Clean Shampoo is a multi-drug detoxification product.


Many individuals have used Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo for THC detox. This product comes with the following sachets; shampoo, purifier, and conditioner. A single pack of Ultra Clean Shampoo costs about $16. It is very reasonably priced compared to other detox shampoos and is the only detox shampoo with scientific backing. This product may have allergens applicable to certain users and it is unsuitable for vegans or vegetarians. See the ingredients below for a full list of what is contained in each sachet.

Full list of ingredients:

Shampoo (1st sachet)

  • Aloe Vera
  • Cocamide DEA
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine
  • Coloring Purifier
  • DMDM Hydantoin
  • Fragrance
  • Methylparaben
  • Panthenol
  • Citric Acid
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate
  • Sodium PCA
  • Sodium Thiosulfate
  • Tetrasodium EDTA

Purifier (2nd sachet)

  • Aloe vera
  • Carbomer-940
  • Coloring
  • EDTA
  • Methylparaben
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Propylene glycol
  • Triethanolamine

Conditioner (3rd sachet)

  • Aloe vera
  • Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide
  • Coloring
  • Comfrey
  • Fragrance
  • Geranium Maculatum
  • Grapefruit juice,
  • Hydrolized animal protein,
  • Methylparaben
  • N-hexadecyl alcohol
  • N-octadecanol
  • Propylparaben

It is clear from the above lists that this product does not contain exclusively natural ingredients, which is of course no different than most hair products. However, the inclusion of Aloe Vera in each sachet is notably important as it will support your scalp in allowing for a reduction of any swelling and redness that may result from the chemical mixture contained in each sachet.

How to use Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo?

The Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo instructions are broken down into four stages below with each additional step complimenting the work of the previous step;

  1. Rinse your hair and make sure it is soaking wet. Then apply half of the shampoo sachet. Massage your scalp for the following ten minutes before washing the shampoo from your hair with lukewarm water.
  2. Apply the full sachet of the purifier. The purifier is designed to remove impurities between hair strands to an extent that the shampoo does not achieve. Massage your scalp for ten minutes once more before rinsing the purifier from your hair.
  3. Apply the remaining half of the shampoo sachet and repeat the first step.
  4. Finally, apply the full sachet of conditioner. Repeat the same as in step two albeit with conditioner instead of the purifier. Rinse thoroughly.

According to Zydot, a user should avoid ingesting any airborne toxins for 1 to 2 days prior to using Ultra Clean Shampoo. It is also recommended that you wash with a regular shampoo prior to starting the steps listed above. We did not find any specific over-the-top requirements for this product. Notably, many manufacturers often recommend seemingly radical steps such as not drinking or eating for a significant period of time prior to using a detox product. Often, this is simply to avoid potential claims. In some cases however such requirements are reasonable and in future articles we hope to point out some examples when they arise with further product overviews and whether in our opinion such requirements are reasonable.


Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
See Deal →

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
See Deal →

Manufacturer and Support

Where to buy Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo? Ultra Clean Shampoo is produced by a company named Zydot. Zydot’s products can be purchased via their website or by an online shopping provider such as TestClear. Zydot offers a sixty-day money-back guarantee on their product range (For further information, visit; https://www.zydot.com/guarantee.html).  The company was founded in 1987 and describes itself as “the first and original manufacturers of detox drinks, capsules” as well as the original producers of hair detox products (Zydot, 2020). Zydot prides itself on claims of having 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed. Several of Zydot’s products are FDA approved. It does not specify on their website whether Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is FDA approved although we cannot be certain that it is not.

Contact Details

Directions near me5103 South Sheridan, PMB 680
Tulsa, OK 74145
Customer Service HoursMonday – Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm MST

Further Information

Many users of hash apply Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo in order to pass drug tests.  As per the afore-cited study in the International Journal of Legal Medicine 2000, a single washing with Ultra Clean will not remove enough residues to pass a drug test, but it will remove some.  You will have to use it as part of a method like the Jerry G method to remove enough residues to pass a drug test.  Some online users advise that you consider applying Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid for several days prior to your hair follicle test. This should be done before making use of Ultra Clean Shampoo on the day of your test. Toxin Rid’s shampoo product has received a rating of 9.8/10 on TestClear (For further information, visit Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid). It should be noted that Old Style Toxin Rid is sold for $ 235 for 5 oz, yet we have found no special ingredients and no scientific studies proving that it works, so use at your own risk.  Propylene glycol is said to be the active ingredient, but you can get a whole gallon of propylene glycol for $ 10.  Before you use detox shampoos, you should also wash any items that may have come in to contact with your hair when THC-toxins were present in order to avoid recontamination.

  • Relatively inexpensive product
  • 100% money-back guarantee from a provider within sixty days of purchase
  • Largely positive feedback and positive reviews online
  • Designed for same-day use, unlike products such as Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid
  • Specific to passing a hair follicle test
  • Features the prominent use of Aloe Vera
  • More affordable than ClearChoice’s Hair Follicle Shampoo
  • Featured in the top three of various websites for hair detox products
  • Easy to find in online stores such as Amazon or Walmart
  • Has customer-friendly refund and return policies
  • Not clear if it has FDA approval
  • Contains a wide-range of unnatural ingredients
  • Not suitable for vegans or vegetarians
  • Often ranked second online, behind Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid for best detox hair treatments
  • Will likely need additional support from other shampoos
  • A significant proportion of users did not find the product worked
  • Seems as though only a small majority had success with this product


Q: Does Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Work For Any Drug?
A: Ultra Clean Shampoo, like any detox product, can help remove toxins resulting from any drug. It is designed to remove impurities, chemical build-up, and medical substances from your hair.

Q: Can I Pass a Hair Follicle Test With Ultra Clean Shampoo?
A: You are unlikely to pass when tested with the standalone use of this product. Many reliable websites including Crider Center suggest that this product should be used as a supplement to Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid or bleaching and dyeing (Jerry G Method) which itself should be used in the days before the test.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Reviews

Positive Reviews:

Above you can see two Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo reviews from Amazon and an Ultra Clean Shampoo review from grasscity.com. As you can see, customers who are both light and heavy smokers have found that this product worked for them. On Amazon, notably, out of 782 customer ratings, 52% were five-star ratings. Users of the product are however greatly polarized, with a whopping 36% of ratings being a one-star rating with a mere 12% falling in-between these two extremes.

Negative Reviews:

Product reviews are usually the best way to find assessments of a given company as we did not come across a standalone Zydot review. Unsuccessful experiences could be down to a wide range of possibilities such as how often the individual smokes and whether or not they were using another hair detox product in the days leading up to their hair follicle test.


Does Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo really work? Zydot’s Ultra Clean Shampoo is certainly one of the better hair detox products on the market but it appears to have massively divided the views of those who have used it. It has some benefits over Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid in that it is specific to the day of the hair follicle test and it is more affordable, however, the catch is that it seems that this product, in order to be effective should be used as a supplementary product to another hair detox product such as Toxin Rid’s shampoo or the Jerry G bleaching and dyeing method. Without the addition of Toxin Rid’s product or Bleach and Dye, it is quite likely that THC-toxins will remain detectable. It is worth considering using this product as the final step in the Jerry G method in order to increase your chances of success (For more information about the Jerry G method, visit: https://fmahealth.org/hair-follicle-drug-test/).


Amazon. (2020). Amazon. Retrieved from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Zydot-Ultra-Clean-Shampoo/dp/B00KJS9TTQ

Röhrich, J., Zörntlein, S., Pötsch, L., Skopp, G., & Becker, J. (2000). Effect of the shampoo Ultra Clean on drug concentrations in human hair. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 113(2), 102-106. Retrieved 1 31, 2020, from https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10741485

Zydot. (2020). Zydot. Retrieved from Zydot: https://www.zydot.com/
