Countdown to National Conference. The Health is Primary campaign will host a main stage panel discussion at the AAFP’s National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students on Thursday, July 28 in Kansas City. Visit or @healthisprimary on July 28 to see what our surprise celebrity guest has to say about family medicine and primary care and stop by the FMAHealth/Health is Primary booth in the exhibit hall to learn more about how we are working to #MakeHealthPrimary.
Focus on Immunizations in August. Health is Primary will focus on immunizations during National Immunization Awareness Month. The campaign will release patient education materials and promote stories of integrating immunizations into the primary care setting through the campaign’s social media channels. Tools and resources will be distributed online and through the campaign’s social media channels.
It’s Time to Activate Around Primary Care. Primary care is the solution to many of the nation’s healthcare problems – we need your help to spread the word. Visit for infographics, case studies and other tools and materials and become a champion for primary care. Don’t know where to start? has suggestions.
Update from the Tactic Teams
Join a Focus Group about Readiness to Adopt Advanced Primary Care. The Practice team is digging into the challenging question of physician readiness to adopt elements of advanced primary care. Better understanding physician readiness will allow the team to develop tools to provide family physicians with pathways to practice advancement that actually work – by meeting physicians and care teams where they are and helping them get where they would like to go. In an effort to better understand physician readiness, the team is organizing a series of focus groups populated by physicians who reside on different places in the spectrum between not ready to adopt advanced primary care and very ready to adopt. If you would like to be included in a focus group, please write to [email protected] and let us know you’d like to be involved.
Join a Mailing List that Shares News About a Vision for Primary Care Technology. The Technology Team has completed a first draft of its technology visioning document, intended to envision a future state that involves the principled redesign and implementation of health IT that optimally supports the health and health care of people throughout the US. It is now in the process of vetting the vision with aligned organizations and partners to FMAHealth. If you would like to be included in a mailing list that will be kept up to date about the progress on building engagement around the technology vision, please write to [email protected] and let us know.
Materials from April’s Starfield Summit Now Available Online. The first Starfield Summit, hosted by the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies together with partners from Family Medicine for America’s Health, the Pisacano Foundation, and the American Board of Family Medicine Foundation, was held in Washington DC in April 2016. The Summit provided a unique opportunity for conversation among a diverse group of leaders in primary care research and policy, young and old, and reports suggest it succeeded in galvanizing its participants, generating important discussion for public consumption, and supporting research and policy agenda-setting in support of primary care function as an essential catalyst for health system reform. It also launched a series of product oriented efforts, which are being refined in the Summit’s wake for broader public consumption. Please visit the Starfield Summit website for materials including annotated bibliographies, a series of TED talks, Issue Briefs summarizing key content, and working papers on the topics of primary care payment, measurement, and teams.