City Tour Events Kick Off in Seattle and Raleigh. The first Health is Primary city tour was held on Thursday, March 19 in Seattle. Seventy attendees heard from an all-star line up of speakers who are leading innovation and transformation in primary care across Washington State. Panelists discussed the impact of integration and coordination of care on patient engagement, patient satisfaction and health outcomes. This includes bringing together broad services like behavioral and mental health, nutrition counseling and group visits for chronic disease management into the primary care setting. Panelists also discussed the importance of training primary care residents in communities where they will practice – a critical issue as Washington State is responsible for training the primary care workforce for the entire region known as WWAMI – Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. Click here to learn more about the Seattle city tour. Stay tuned to for a video from the Seattle city tour that will be posted later this week.
Two additional events were held in Seattle. On Wednesday evening, the Washington Academy of Family Physicians sponsored a primary care symposium in Olympia with more than 50 policymakers, staff, health care and patient advocacy groups. Presenters included panelists from the Health Is Primary city tour event and Dr. Glen Stream. On Thursday evening, the King County Academy of Family Physicians sponsored a strategy engagement session at University of Washington for more than 60 students, residents and local practicing physicians. Dr. Mike Tuggy led a facilitated discussion to seek input on the Family Medicine for America’s Health (FMAHealth) core strategies. Participants discussed things they could do to begin putting the core strategies into action right now. Presenters included Dr. Stream, city tour panelists and the FMAHealth strategy and communications staff. We are looking forward to holding additional strategy engagement sessions at upcoming city tour events.
Second City Tour Stop in Raleigh. The second Health is Primary city tour event was held on Thursday, April 16 in Raleigh. A standing room-only audience of more than 100 participants – including employers, payers, policymakers, providers, students, consumers and media – joined the event to hear from the panel of eight speakers about the transformation in primary care taking place in North Carolina. Panelists discussed how medical homes and a team-based approach to care has helped reduce costs and improve patient outcomes with dramatic results. Indeed, North Carolina is the only state in the country with declining health care costs. The panelists also discussed how technology has significantly improved care coordination, reduced administrative burdens and enabled more personalized and accessible care to patients. Click here to learn more about the Raleigh city tour. Event video from the Raleigh city tour will be posted on in the coming weeks.
Next Up – Chicago. The next Health is Primary city tour will be in Chicago on Tuesday, May 19. The Chicago city tour will bring together local experts to discuss market-specific initiatives
and new models of care that are improving patient and community health. In Chicago we will hear from a local family doctor who is leading the home-care revolution and will learn more about how a large payer is embracing comprehensive, value-based care. Watch for more information on city tour events.
Congressional Briefing on May 14. Health is Primary will be in Washington, DC to brief members of Congress and congressional staff on the campaign and to highlight primary care transformation and new models of care that are emerging around the country. This event will follow the Family Medicine Congressional Conference. We will provide invitations to conference attendees to share with members of Congress in advance of the event.
Strategic Planning Implementation Teams Convene This Week. The six strategy implementation Tactic Teams that came together for the first time in December will be meeting on April 23 to finalize their work plans for the coming year. As part of that effort, they will begin to identify others in the family medicine community who can add their expertise and energy to the work they need to accomplish. They will begin by reaching out to staff and leaders of the eight family medicine organizations who are already working on projects related to their priority tactics, as well as young leaders who participated in the strategic planning process. In June, the six implementation teams will begin reaching out more broadly to members and constituencies of the eight family medicine organizations and the many chapters throughout the country to invite them to join the six Tactic Teams. Stay tuned for more about that in the May update.
Focus on Health Quarterly Patient Education Initiatives Continue. Every few months, Health is Primary will highlight a key health issue. Our first outreach effort—timed to coincide with January resolutions about healthy eating and exercise—focused on how primary care can help patients reach fitness and nutrition goals. You can find patient resources on fitness and nutrition in English and Spanish (sourced from with permission from AAFP) at The campaign will focus on chronic disease management later this month (April), immunizations in August and smoking prevention and cessation in November.
New Toolkits Coming Soon. An updated toolkit for sponsoring organizations and supporters of Health is Primary will be available in late April. The update will include new advertisements, posters, downloadable patient materials and more. These materials will be available at
Web Button Available for Sponsor and Partner Promotion. A new web button is available to sponsors and partnering organizations. Please email [email protected] if you would like to link your organization’s website with the or website. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the web button in use.
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